The Cruel World Festival that we were due to play on May 2nd in Los Angeles has been postponed due to the CoronaVirus pandemic. The new date is now optimistically scheduled for September 12th. I don’t know what the new line-up of bands will be, or if it will change at all, but no doubt …

- Gary Numan
- March 26, 2020
Cruel World Festival Postponed

- Gary Numan
- March 18, 2020
New Autobiography
I’m working on a new autobiography with ghost writer James Hogg. The book has no title at the moment but is scheduled for publication in September with the Little, Brown Book Group. James spent a few days with us here in Los Angeles recently to gather content for the book. This will not be an …

- Gary Numan
- March 18, 2020
Ghost Nation (Patreon)
My Patreon membership project, called Ghost Nation, has now been running for about six months. Thank you so much to everyone that’s signed up for that and for your patience as I stumbled along for a while, especially in the first few months. I’m pleased with how it’s going now although, as I suspected, it’s …

- Gary Numan
- March 26, 2020
Gary Numan Special. Artefaktor Radio
On Friday March 27th, at 4pm UK time, you can listen to a Gary Numan Special on Artefaktor radio on the Johnny Normal ‘The Synthetic Special Show’ by using this address: Two hours of Numan music, back to back, is promised.

- Gary Numan
- March 26, 2020
Ghost Nation, Making Music, Social Media
I wanted to clear up any confusion that might exist regarding the various projects and information outlets I have running at the moment, beyond this website. Projects that are intended to engage with, inform or otherwise be of interest to fans. Social Media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) These three options are all free and, generally, …
- Gary Numan
- March 17, 2020
Making Music Campaign
The Making Music Campaign, very much like the Pledge Music campaign with Savage, gives fans the opportunity to follow progress on the Intruder album. It was, without doubt, a little patchy to begin with (my apologies for that) but is much more active now and will become even more so over the next few months …